Saturday, August 9, 2014

Saturday Morning Hike {East Bay}

My SIL looking pensive as always ;)
I haven't done a Saturday morning hike in a long, long time.  I think I need to bring them back - more for myself.

Last Saturday was spent with my in-laws and it was really nice to have a day with them.  Usually, their house is flooded with people coming in and out and places to go and see, but this time, we got them all to ourselves!

We first went up to the top of Mt. Diablo.  Since I had never been up there, husband said he'd take me.  As it turns out, that was my inlaws first date and the reason they went was because my MIL had never been up there - I guess like father, like son!  They've now been married for 32 years.  Can't wait till husband and I have been together for 32 years.  It will be amazing at how different life will be then!

Of course Benny joined us.  He loves a good adventure and his auntie.  My SIL calls him her neph-pup, so the love for him is mutual.  And just to be clear, we did not hike this.  It's actually a pretty intense hike, so we just drove to the top so that everyone could join. :)

However, we did hike that day...

After our trip to the top of Mt Diablo, my SIL got a hair cut while I took a nap, and then just the kids (as in myself, husband and my SIL) decided to go on a quick little hike up to the water tower by their house.  It was a gorgeous day and I always love a good Easy Bay view so it was perfect.

Top that day off with a solid tri-tip dinner and some dominos and I'll say it was a good Saturday!

Go for a hike, friends.  It's Saturday!

Summer is my favorite.

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