Monday, July 6, 2015

Bumpdate {30 Weeks}

30 weeks!  That feels like a huge milestone for me.

I'm starting to really feel large and in charge, but luckily still feeling really great.  I'm totally anticipating lots of discomfort, but haven't really experienced anything crazy yet.  I've been hoping to go on lots of walks to get ready for labor, but this heat is just killin' me - I really should just make it happen.  I'm sure my laboring self will thank me!

On another big does a cantaloupe seem?!  That's the first fruit/veggie that has made me feel like a real pregnant person...but I totally believe it, not only can I see and feel him moving around, but I can actually feel body parts.  Not sure if they're elbows or knees or his little butt or what, but I feel him and it's pretty amazing.  I'm getting so curious at what this boy will look like.  My husband and his sister were both born with hair, but my siblings and I were all bald...will we have a bald baby or will he have a nice mane?  Will he be a chunker from the get-go?  Or will he be a little one?  I can't wait to find out!

I'm now seeing the doctor every other week, which is another thing that makes me feel like it's getting closer.  I love that I get to hear his heartbeat every other week and know that he's doing ok AND I get to see his little face in just 6 weeks through an ultrasound.  Woohoo!

Oh, and just a small detail...IT'S MOVING WEEK!  We are moving this coming week and I. AM. SO. STINKIN'.  EXCITED.  Seriously...this week can't go by fast enough!  Time to get life back to normal with a routine and not live out of boxes with stuff everywhere (I'm sure my parents are pretty stoked too).  Hallelujah!  Let's do this!

1 comment:

  1. 30 weeks already?! He will be here before you know it! And yay yay yay!!! for the move!


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