Thursday, March 29, 2012

{Live Simply}

Bye Bye, Baby!

Goodbye, Honda Passport...

Hello, one car family!

Goodbye, high gas prices...

Hello, bikes and legs to walk!

Goodbye, being on your own schedule...

Hello, communication and teamwork to get things done!

So the Honda Passport is sold and the husband and I are committed to being a one car family for at least 6 months.  

Why, you may ask?

Lots of reasons.  Here are a few:

1.  We will save money on gas, insurance, and registration.

2.  With Bart's work being only 1 mile away, he will be more committed to riding his bike so that I can use the truck during the day (plus, he will have great calves...which is a plus for me).

3.  Because gas is INSANE right now.  $4.29 being the cheapest in town...really?

4.  We can work on being a better team by communicating more on where/when we will be places and how we can be more efficient in our errands/appointments (Go, team, go!).

5.  Because we don't need two cars.

Emphasize that last point.  Emphasize the word "need."  The husband and I have been trying to figure out how we can live a more simple lifestyle.  During this phase in life we don't have kids, we don't have pets (which can be like kids sometimes), and we don't have any crazy commitments outside of work.  It's just him and me.  Just the two of us.  And we want life to be simple.  That is one of the reasons why we wanted to move where we did, because this town promotes a simple lifestyle.  

Do we need two cars?  Like, wouldn't-be-able-to-get-to-our-jobs-or-buy-food need??  

No.  We don't need it.

So we sold it.  

And it was a happy day.  

Goodbye, Honda.

Here is to all of the wonderful things that will come out of being a one-car family!

{How can you simplify your life?}


  1. Rob and I had one car for a couple of years when we first moved to San Jose. It was so great! I loved riding to work together every morning.


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