Friday, April 20, 2012

{Laptop Fiasco}

Well isn't this a scary sight?

A couple of weeks ago, the screen on my laptop broke.  Thankfully, everything else about the computer was fine, I didn't lose any pictures, important documents, my music or anything like that, I just lost the ability to view anything on my screen.

Keep calm.

I went to the Apple store and they gave me an estimate of...wait for it...

$1200!  Dear Lord, WHAT????

Which basically meant $1700 because there was no way I was going to spend $1200 to "fix" my computer when I could get a brand new one for only $500 more.

Well that was depressing.  A new laptop was not exactly in the budget right now.

But needed?  Yes.  My incredible and giving mother let me borrow hers for the week.  The whole week!  Isn't that nice of her?  Definitely saved my life a bit.

Anyways, so then I went to the Mac Superstore.  They gave me an estimate of $460!  Soooo much better, right? 

They also said that if we wanted to, we could trade it in, get $250 for it, and then buy a refurbished one for $700.  Basically, spending about the same, but getting a laptop the same age, but slightly better.

It was a thought.

Then, we heard of this company called iFixit.  It's a local company, started by some of my husband's friends who take old parts, fix them up, and then sell them.  They sell them with detailed instructions on how to install them, too.

Sounds amazing, right?  Well, it made me really nervous.  Neither my husband nor I know a thing about fixing computers so what happens if we spent money on a part, and then ended up breaking the computer more trying to fix it?

Good thing we have smart friends!

We decided to take the risk.  

$250 later and some time well spent with our good friend, Ben - my computer is perfect again.

$250!!!  After the original $1200 fix, that is just amazing to me.

So happy.

The picture above is my laptop mid surgery.  We have the directions up on my husband's old laptop and my laptop is in many different pieces.  I couldn't bare the sight of it so I went upstairs and cleaned the bathroom.  You know, a task that you can't stop doing until it's done.

I felt like a parent trying to keep busy while my child was in major open heart surgery.

So pathetic.

But now I am happily writing this post on my good ol' trustworthy macbook pro.  Oh how I love it so.

Thank you, iFixit, Ben, and my husband for being willing to take the risk!

{What was your biggest laptop fiasco?}

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