Monday, April 16, 2012

{Yard Sale Season!}


It's Finally Here!

With April showers coming to an end, May flowers are on their way to bloom, which really means that 'tis the season for yard saling!

This is one of my favorite times of year.  Last year, some good friends from Mt. Hermon showed my husband and I the true art of yard saling. 

And yes, it is an art.

And we became hooked.  

When we moved later that fall and needed lots and lots of new furniture for our empty apartment, we used those new skills to get the best deals for our new home.  

It's sort of a rush.  When you find something you really like and then get it for an incredible deal?  Now that is a natural high.  It's almost like leaving the gym after a really good work out.  You just feel gooooood.  

Bart and I have already been scouting out craigslist for some good yard sales to attend in our town.  Now that we have enough furniture or big items, it's time to get some fun things to use to decorate.  


I'm getting giddy just thinking about it.

I wanted to share with you some of our favorite yard sale finds to get you pumped too.  I'll start with one of my favorites...

When I saw this bench, I knew it would be perfect for our entryway.  My husband wanted a place to sit and put on his shoes and how cute is this??  I absolutely love the color and it ended up fitting perfectly right by our front door in our little entryway.  Love love love!  (the mustard pillow is an $8 find from World Market)

We also got this chalk board window at that same yard sale.  It already had the chalk painted on it and it even came with a bag of chalk!  Perfect.  It's currently hanging over my kitchen sink.

This dresser was actually one of our first yard sale finds.  I loved it and had to do a little haggling to get it for cheaper than they were asking.  I later found out that the same one was being sold for way more money at an antique shop.  It was actually white when we bought it, but I wanted to paint it to match the bench above. $3 sample paint from Home Depot did the trick!

Remember this?  Well we got this at an estate sale in the Bay Area.  It was a three day sale and when I saw it on the first day, the salesman did not want to give me a good deal on it.  So I went back the next day and when it was still there, I convinced him to lower his price.  Booyah!

And those are just a few of our favorite things.  

I can't wait to see what finds this season brings!

Happy yard saling everyone!

{What was your favorite yard sale find?}

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