Friday, August 15, 2014

Dance Partners

Husband and I love weddings and I'm just going to say it now: weddings are SO much more fun with the love of your life.  Especially when you've already had your own wedding, you've been down that road, you get it, and you get to not only congratulate and celebrate the new bride and groom, but you get to celebrate your own marriage as well.

Dancing at weddings?  It's kind of our thing.  You could say it's our spiritual gift together (What?  That's not a thing?  Sure it is...).

I mean, his mean dance moves were the first thing that caught my attention almost 6 years ago...

When I saw him dancing the night away in that deep v-neck, sweating from head to toe from dropping it so low we were all surprised his pants didn't rip...I knew he was the one.

Ok, maybe that's not how it went, but pretty close.

First ones on the dance floor?  No problem.

Need to get the party started?  Sure.

Count the Gants in!

Dancing at weddings is one of our favorite things to do together and the fact that the wedding phase of life is slowly starting to trickle down as we enter into the everyones-having-babies phase, we're just a tad bit sad (our bank account is not sad, however).

As I was looking through old photos, I found so many dancing ones and it made me oh so happy - I just wanted to share some of them.

See that photo above??  The dance floor at our own wedding was OFF THE HOOK.  I'd say it's where it all began, but let's be started the day we met at that bar neither of us really wanted to be at.

Thanks for being my forever dance partner, babe.  You've got killer moves.

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