Wednesday, October 31, 2012

...On Becoming One.

The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man."  That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

Genesis 2:23, 24

This is the biggest thing we've been learning this past year.  

Day 31 and the final post in the series of becoming a new wife, and I want to end with this.

This first year of marriage has been all about leaving our families and creating our own family.  

Becoming one.

Our first realization of this was spending Christmas away from our parents and siblings.  It was hard at first, but we ended up loving that special first Christmas together, just us two.  

And every decision we make in life is between us.  Husband and me.  Of course, we go to our parents or our close friends for advice for certain things, but ultimately, it is our decision, and we have to do what is best for our family.  

This is huge.   

We are learning to be our own family.  It's so different from what life was like before, but it's a wonderful thing.  

We like it a lot, and we have so much more to learn from it.  We have so much more to learn in our forever together.  

This first year of marriage was just a snippet of the rest of our marriage.  

We're still a work in process, but we're grateful for this life that we've been given.  We're grateful to do it together.

I can't wait to see how much more I learn in the years to come.

Thanks for allowing me to process my thoughts on becoming a new wife through this blog.  Thanks for reading.  Thanks for your encouraging words.  I hope you were able to find it encouraging, as well.  I hope you know how wonderful marriage is, but also how imperfect husband and I are.  Thanks for being a part of our lives through this blog.  It's been an amazing first year of marriage.

Ready for year two,


This is day 31 of the series "31 Days on becoming a new wife."  I hope you enjoyed reading about my journey as I reflected on my first year as a Mrs!  Click on the button to see a list of the rest of the posts.

<<  On Keeping Our Vows {& Tasty Tuesday!}


  1. Cassie,
    Thanks So much for this series. It's been great to reflect on and think about. I've really enjoyed it!

  2. I loved this series! Good job Cassie! Looking forward to reading more from you :)

  3. Thanks, Shay and Diane! It's been really great for me. I'm so glad you liked it!


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