Tuesday, November 20, 2012

{Tasty Tuesday: Pumpkin Pie}

It's the week of Thanksgiving and I haven't had anything pumpkin on this blog. 

I am sincerely sorry.  This has to be some sort of blog sin. 


Well today I shall redeem myself with quite possibly the best Tasty Tuesday YET. 

I'm serious.

But first, I want to show you a pumpkin.

Isn't he cute?

Get it?!?!  (Husband is the pumpkin...not the actual pumpkin...ok whatever, nevermind.)

Aaaaand moving on to the greatest Tasty Tuesday of your life...

...because it's the week of Thanksgiving...

...because I owe you some pumpkin...

...and because it's just too darn good not to share...

I give you...my great, great grandmother Sass' pumpkin pie.

What a name, huh?  She was German.  Funny thing is, my college roommates called me Sass.  Coincidence?  I like to think I was just carrying on the legacy of this fine woman.

But this fine woman made a BOMB pumpkin pie and lucky for us, she passed it down to my great grandma, who then passed it down to my grandma (also known as "Mops"), who passed it down to my mother, who just recently passed it down to yours truly.

And lucky for you, my family is not into the whole "secret" family recipe thing.

We like to share the love.

You're welcome.

So here it is.  In all of its pumpkin glory.  The best pumpkin pie you will ever have...

Sass' Pumpkin Pie

What You'll Need:
1 pie crust (I made P-dubs)
1 1/2 cups canned pumpkin
2 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp cloves
1/4 tsp ginger
3/4 cup sugar
5/8 cup evaporated milk
(I know, 5/8 is weird, but you don't want to alter this amount)

1.  Preheat oven to 450*

2.  Mix all ingredients well.

3.  Pour into prepared pie plate.
4.  Bake 450* degrees for 10 minutes, then reduce oven temp to 325* and bake for about 45 minutes.

So easy and you're now ready to make it for Thanksgiving this week!  Also, it makes for a great breakfast the next day.  Just trust me on this one.  It'll go great with your morning cup of joe.

Happy baking and happy Tuesday!


  1. Yum! I will definitely be making this for our Thanksgiving dinner! Thanks! :)

  2. This wonderful pie graced our Thanksgiving feast! My husband loved it. Thanks so much.

  3. I am so glad you both got to experience it! Glad your husband liked it, too, June Bug!


Go ahead...make my day!