Friday, June 15, 2012

{Stop and Smell the Flowers}

"Stop and smell the flowers along the way..."

I saw this while on my run the other day.  It was etched into the cement on the sidewalk in front of someone's home and I happened to be looking down when I ran past it.  So, of course, I had to stop.  I stopped and I took in the beautiful flowers that were all over their yard.  Normally, I hate stopping when I run.  It can totally throw me off and cause cramps or side stitches or whatever else, but I did this time and I don't regret it.  

Take time this weekend to stop and smell the flowers along the way - because life is short, but sweet for certain. :)

Happy Friday, friends!

Oh, and a few steps further, etched into the sidewalk as well was, "...and don't forget your dancing shoes."

Dooley noted.  Ready for the weekend!


  1. maddie and i were talking about how much we love seeing your posts pop up on facebook and reading them. you are such a wonderful writer. <3 brookie

  2. Thank you so much, Brooke! That makes my heart so happy. I hope you and Maddie both are doing well. I miss you!


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